
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
QuoteMaybe for the first time in my life I'll get better than a 'C' in math. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteWell, it seems strange to write a journal for a math class, but this doesn't seem like an average math class. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteIt seems like it's going to be a lot of fun, and it seems like it might be easier than an actual class, but I'll probably learn more. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteI still feel very confident and having a good attitude about the class I am willing to put alot of time and effort to get a good grade knowing that you set up the class in a way in which we as students can succeed makes me feel at ease and a willingness t vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteI wish I could write you that I wanted to become a math major now, but that isn't the truth. This class was definitely better than trigonometry or calculus that I took in high school. Meaning more fun. I learned things that I might actually use in life s vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteBy making the course available to students, we are given a chance to broaden our mathematical horizons. Much of the material involves creative thinking and common sense, so the average non-mathematician is given a shot at math success, thus building confi vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteThis course showed me a different view of math. It worked with objects and figures rather than numbers. I thought in logic rather than in numbers. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteI used to consider math was just a number course and nothing else. Now I see it as an art and a class to be creative in. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteI was happy to come to class every day and that says something about the course. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteFor once in my life I think that mathematics doesn't have to be awful. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteWhen I first came to this class I anticipated the worst. I was sure this class was going to be like every other class: I would probably just pass with the help of a patient tutor. However, this class wasn't like that at all, in fact it made me realize tha vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteThe topics we covered were cool, for once I enjoyed doing the work because it was interesting. I have trouble doing things I'm not interested in. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteYour unique way method of teaching and class formation made it an interesting class to attend. The time went by fast and the work was interesting. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteI realized that math is much more than what we have been exposed to in elementary school, junior high, and high school. I've realized that there is a lot of intellectual thinking involved, it is not just right and wrong numerical answers. I never really c vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteOverall I thoroughly enjoyed the class, and I dislike math a little less because now I see it can be interesting. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteI guess I have an appreciation towards mathematics. I understand people devote their lives to finding the contrasting rule to a law or formula and I think that's cool. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteMy attitude toward math hasn't changed that much except for the fact that know I can appreciate how some people, like yourself can have such a passion for mathematics. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteHopefully I'll be able to tell my children how fun and interesting this class was and more importantly how much I learned about what mathematics really is. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteWhen I first heard you say that math "was beautiful" I thought you were a little strange. However, now after experiencing what math can really do mentally and physically, I can say that math is beautiful when you are taught right. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteThese ideas of math are part of everyday life, but society doesn't take in the true meaning and significance of math. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteMath can be fun and exciting if you teach students to "understand" something rather than just memorizing it. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteThank you for this wonderful class and experience. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteThe first thing I noticed as I walked into room were the benches. Already I was put at ease because the traditional '5th grade' desks were not there. Then when we were handed the survey and I was some of the questions regarding our feelings about math, I vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteBut like I have told you I would have rather taken tests. Nothing against you or the class that is just my preference. vecke011 years 8 months ago
QuoteI really like the way this class is set up this semester. I like working things out with people at my table. We work well together which helps. I do wish that the Professor would teach a little bit more, but then again, I don't know what he could because vecke011 years 8 months ago
